Test network connectivity for Avigilon Ava Cameras or Alta Cloud Connectors

Last modified: Thursday May 11, 2023.

Use the Alta Video Connectivity test to test the network speed between an Avigilon Ava camera or Cloud Connector and the Alta Cloud.

SmartPath speed test

This test establishes a two-way connection between your camera or Cloud Connector and the Alta Cloud. Alta Video sends data through this connection and back to the device for five seconds. The amount of data successfully sent and returned determines the Camera to Alta Cloud or Cloud Connector to Alta Cloud connection speed in bits per second.

The test also connects directly to the Alta Video client. Alta Video uses Avigilon Alta Smart Path technology to find the most efficient media routing path, which could be direct from device to browser across your local network or from device to browser via the Alta Cloud. Alta Video displays the measured Camera to browser or Cloud Connector to browser connection speed and marks it as Local or Cloud, depending on how Smart Path made the connection. For more information, see Smart Path intelligent media routing

The Connectivity test uses both TCP and UDP connections. Avigilon Ava cameras and Cloud Connectors use TCP for outbound connections to the Alta Cloud and UDP for direct connections to an Alta Video client in a browser or phone. For more information, see Ports required by Avigilon Ava and Avigilon Alta cloud-native cameras and Reference: Ports required by Alta Cloud Connectors.

Reachability test

The connectivity test also performs a Reachability test and attempts to connect to all Avigilon Alta domains.

Test results

Aware grades the SmartPath speed test results as follows:

Connection speedRating
500 Kbps or lessTerrible
501 - 2,000 KbpsPoor
2,001 - 5,000 KbpsOK
5,001 - 10,000 KbpsGood
Above 10,000 KbpsExcellent

The connection speed between your device, the Alta Cloud, and your Alta Video client may impact the availability of the video streams and the latency experienced. Poor test results probably indicate an issue with network connectivity rather than the camera or Cloud Connector itself. The test results may not reflect the full speed of your internet or network but represent the bandwidth required by Alta Video and used in the test.

The connection speed can also impact the playback of recorded video from an Avigilon Alta camera. If the connection speed is lower than the stored bitrate of the camera, you may experience issues when playing back recorded video. Live video playback dynamically adjusts to the available bitrate but is fixed for recorded video. For more information on camera storage bitrates, see Alta camera bandwidth usage, video quality, and video storage.

The results of the Reachability test indicate if the listed domain was accessible or displays any detected issue or error.

Task — Run the Connectivity test for an Avigilon Ava camera

  1. Choose Tools Open a tool > Devices Devices.
  2. Select the required Avigilon Ava camera and click Edit settings.
  3. Choose Connection and click Connectivity test.
  4. Select Start connectivity test.
    The test runs and the results are displayed.

Task — Run the Connectivity test for an Alta Cloud Connector

  1. Choose Tools Tools > System System.
  2. Select the required Cloud Connector and click Edit settings.
  3. Choose Network interfaces and click Connectivity test.
  4. Select Start connectivity test.
    The test runs and the results are displayed.

Task — Run the Connectivity test from an Avigilon Ava camera local user interface

  1. Choose Tools Open a tool > Devices Devices.
  2. Select the required Avigilon Ava camera and open Detailed information.
    Make a note the IP address for the camera.
  3. Open Settings > Edit settings > Connection.
  4. Click View credentails.
  5. Make a note of the username.
  6. Click the password to copy it to the clipboard.
  7. From a new browser tab, enter the IP address noted earlier.
  8. Type the Username noted earlier.
  9. Paste the password from the clipboard.
  10. Click Network & Service > Network > Connectivity test.
    The test runs and the results are displayed.

Task — Run the Connectivity test from an Alta Cloud Connector local user interface

  1. Choose Tools Tools > System System.
  2. Select the required Alta Cloud Connector.
    Make a note the IP address for the Cloud Connector.
  3. Click View credentails.
  4. Make a note of the username.
  5. Click the password to copy it to the clipboard.
  6. From a new browser tab, enter the IP address noted earlier.
  7. Type the Username noted earlier.
  8. Paste the password from the clipboard.
  9. Click Network > Network settings > Connectivity test.
    The test runs and the results are displayed.