Claim your Alta Cloud Connector

Last modified: Tuesday August 06, 2024.

All Alta Cloud Connectors installed in your network must be associated with your Alta Video deployment. Follow the claim process to associate your hardware devices with Alta Video cloud.


Ensure your Alta Cloud Connector is installed and has network connectivity.

Install your A500, A750, or A1000 hardware or
Install your A2000 or A3000 hardware.

Task — Ensure your Alta Cloud Connector can reach the Alta Cloud

By default, your Alta Cloud Connector uses DHCP to connect to your network. If you are not blocking connections to the internet, then your Cloud Connector automatically connects to the Alta Video and is ready to be claimed.

Optionally, configure your Cloud Connector to use a static IP address.

  1. Switch on your Cloud Connector and allow it to complete its boot sequence.
  2. From a computer connected to the same network as your Cloud Connector, use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge to browse to the address on the label.

    The Cloud Connector address is in the format: ava-<serial>.local. This information is also included on the Cloud Connector packaging.

    If you modify the hostname, after your Cloud Connector reboots, use the format: https://<hostname>.local.

  3. Click Network.
  4. Click Edit interface for the network interface to use to connect to your network.
  5. (Optional) To configure a static IP address:
    1. Disable DHCP IP Mode.
    2. Configure the IP, Subnet mask, Gateway, and the DNS fields to suit your network.
    3. Click Done.
  6. If needed, configure your network to allow your Cloud Connector to reach the internet. See Reference: Ports required by Alta Cloud Connectors.

Task — Claim your Cloud Connector from your existing deployment

Your Cloud Connector must be online and connected to Alta Cloud before you can claim your Cloud Connector and associate it with your Alta Video deployment.

  1. Log in to your Alta Video deployment as an Administrator.
  2. Click New tool from the tool ribbon, then select Servers tool button System.

    If the System tab is already open, click the tab to view the page.

  3. Click Add Cloud Connector button Add cloud connector.
    The Add a Cloud Connector dialog is displayed.
  4. Type the serial number for your Alta Cloud Connector.
    Alternatively, click Scan the QR code and use the computer's web camera to scan the QR code.

    The serial number and QR code for your Alta Cloud Connector is printed on the packaging used when shipping your device, and also is printed on the label on the cloud connector itself.

    If your Cloud Connector has already been installed in your network and is running, you can cut and paste the serial number from the Cloud Connector user interface into the Add a cloud connector dialog.

  5. Enter the Cloud connector name.
    This name is used to uniquely identify individual Cloud Connectors in your deployment.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Depending on whether this is the first Cloud Connector you are claiming from your Alta Video cloud deployment, or a subsequent one, either:
    • (For the first Cloud Connector in your deployment) Type a Group name for the Cloud Connector and select the relevant time zone, or
    • (For subsequentCloud Connectors) Either Create a new group for your new Cloud Connector, or select an existing group.

      For a new Cloud Connector being installed into the same network as an existing Cloud Connector, select Make part of an existing connector group.

      If this Cloud Connector is being installed at a new location, or on a different network, then Create a new group for this Cloud Connector.

  8. Click Add.
    The Cloud Connector is added to the selected group.