Add Alta cameras using IP address or Alta Key

Last modified: Tuesday November 28, 2023.

You can add Alta cameras to your Alta Video deployment using their the IP address or Alta Key.


You can add Avigilon Alta cloud-native cameras or Avigilon Ava cloud-native cameras to Alta Video before or after installation.

You must connect Alta cameras without cloud connectivity to an Alta Cloud Connector. Physically install the cameras and connect them to a network visible from the Alta Cloud Connector. For more information, see Claim your Alta Cloud Connector.

Have the following information available:

  • A name for the camera within Alta Video.
  • The IP address of the camera, or the Alta Key if adding an Avigilon Alta or Avigilon Ava cloud-native camera. If your camera does not have a clearly marked Alta Key, use its serial number. 

Additionally, make sure you have suitable Configuration profiles and Camera groups created, to assign to each new camera.

Task — Add an Alta camera by IP address or Alta Key

  1. Choose Tools Open a tool > Devices Devices.
  2. Click Add devices button Add cameras.
  3. From the Add cameras dialog, click Manually by IP or Alta Key.
  4. In IP ADDRESS OR ALTA KEY, enter the IP address or Alta Key for the camera.
  5. Click Next.
  6. In the NAME field, enter the name to be used to refer to this device within Alta Video.
  7. From DEVICE GROUP, select the group for the camera.
  8. From LABELS, select any required labels for the camera.
    1. To create a new label, open the LABELS drop-down list and select + Create a new label. Enter a name and choose Add.
    2. A blue outline and tick indicates a label inherited from the site.
  9. From CONFIGURATION, select the required Configuration profile .
  10. Click Next.
  11. If your Avigilon Ava camera has not yet had credentials configured, the DEVICES WITHOUT CREDENTIALS screen is displayed.
    Choose to allow Alta Video cloud to create unique credentials for each Avigilon Ava camera, or specify the fixed credentials to use for all Avigilon Ava cameras.

    If you choose to allow Alta Video cloud to generate unique credentials, you can view these credentials by selecting the relevant camera, and then clicking Settings | Edit Settings | Connection | View credentials.

  12. Click Done.
    After checking that the Username and Password and all other information matches the selected camera, the device is added to Alta Video.